How kids can Develop Leadership qualities right from their early Schooling years?

Is your child a born leader and can be nurtured in the classroom?
Every class has a monitor who engages the other students when the teacher is away. Almost every teacher can identify from the entire division which student is the likely leader. There are certain types of children who show talent and characteristics to lead when they enter the classroom. But today’s education system is geared to allow each child to develop leadership qualities. Teachers associated with the Siddhartha Public School, Hyderabad are aware of the importance of developing leadership qualities in students.
Whether children are natural-born leaders or not, it is for the teachers to hone the skills of the child. In this digital age where every child lives in isolation, the importance of developing leadership qualities is imperative.
Student Leadership Development: Characteristics to Hone
Earlier generations of teachers focused on only a few students who could lead and become monitors. With a sea change in systems of education, leadership qualities for students have also been transformed. Some children are focused and show a natural tendency to lead. But as they move to adulthood, each child should have the leadership skills and be goal-oriented in life. At an early level in primary school, some factors are honed.
They are:
- Helping children to focus on their goals. For example, if a child wants to improve scores in a subject where he/she is weak, tasks are given. Goal setting could be to complete or improve in a time frame.
- Being honest and hardworking in studies is important. Today Google-friendly ‘answers’ maybe useful. But the child should be able to research and explore. Taking initiative is a part of student leadership development culture in the school. It fosters qualities to lead in a child. Appreciation of hard work when accomplishments and goals are reached is encouraging.
- Ability to serve others. Monitors are often asked to help weak children in their class. This gives an opportunity to develop good qualities of sharing and being helpful. Helping the teacher is equally important and not just being the ‘pet’ to get good marks.
- Being a good listener and communicator is a very important feature of a leader. Listening skills are extremely important for students who wish to lead. Communicating amicably with other students, parents, and society in general nurtures the child’s overall personality.
- A leader is able to make decisions and this is an important aspect of developing leadership qualities in students. It makes the child responsible at a macro level.
- Teaching skills of leadership will help students to become positive and learning activities become more enjoyable.
Creating Pillars for Leadership:
Our society is tilting more towards technology. Leaders have to harness this aspect in their lives. The school is the ideal breeding ground for student leadership development. As leadership qualities develop there is no fear to perform tasks with confidence. Communications and public relations allow students to tell their stories outside the school. We are creating several levels of student leaders with our creative methods of teaching. We have re-imagined the scales of learning where students have their own visions to nurture. The only challenge is how much can the student absorb and takeaway after the learning process is over and they shift to the real world.