Impact on cancelled CBSE board exams in 2021: Changes in Marking Policies

Like all other spheres of life being impacted by the pandemic, even education has been a victim of COVID 19 with closure of schools and colleges leaving students in a state of predicament. Due to the surge in coronavirus cases countrywide, CBSE board exams, 2021 have been cancelled for classes 10. Many other state and central boards of education followed suit, impacting and disturbing the entire education system.
Siddhartha Public School continues to share regular updates regarding marking policies for their students.
Cancelling exams – Good or bad?
Some students and parents are overjoyed and welcomed the decision. Others have mixed responses like there should be some form of evaluation. A blanket promotion or being assessed on internal school-based performance seems unacceptable. Many also expect the government to formulate a new policy to face the unprecedented situation. In the pre COVID-19 times, exams were still a nightmare for children and parents alike. It used to snatch away their peace of mind. Parents were always stressed and tense. The students were overwhelmed with revision and exam outcome anxiety. Learning is a continuous quest with evaluation and assessment being a significant milestone in students’ journey. Exams bind the student in a commitment to learn, fulfill the criteria and acquire knowledge outlined in the syllabus.
Concerns Being Raised
The announcement of cancellation of exams has been commented extensively in the social media. Some students feel this is a relief as they can prepare better for the next term. Moreover, some students and parents were scared that due to rising cases of coronavirus, how the students would reach examination centers. How would they wear face masks and write their papers without getting distracted? The parents have been wondering if social distancing would be implemented in the centers. Some high school students feel that there are enough assignments that are given to them in online classes. This should make markings easy for the teachers as being equivalent to conducting the exams.
Will cancellation of exams be good criteria for promoting students to the next class?
Many people have voiced concerns of not putting in real hard work in pre-board school exams as they do not matter. Others strongly feel they will lose the first hand experience of facing a real time competition. The Board came out with a not so welcome new rule of CBSE 2021 for class 10. After considering various factor concluded the new assessment criteria as has been reported across media channels:
- Results will be based on in house exams conducted by the school during the academic year.
- The results shall be declared by 20th June 2021.
- Each subject will carry 100 marks.
- 20 marks are to be presented by the school’s internal assessment.
- The remaining 80 marks will be based on tests, midterm exams, and pre-boards.
According to the official notifications, each school will constitute a Result Committee comprising of the Principal and seven teachers of which 5 will be from the same schools while 2 outside members will be from a neighboring school.
Will this help to reduce the burden on the institutions, parents, teachers and children? We need to check for further CBSE 2021, latest updates to continue to make schooling and education effective during these challenging times.