Why is a book in little hands better than the digital screen?
It is hard to wean away children from the touchscreen. But a hardcover or a paperback book is much better. There is not much debate on digital reading vs book reading for kids: The answer is clear that physical books are better. Several schools rely heavily on digital material for online classes. But there is a distinct advantage to printed books for children of all ages.

Siddhartha Public School in Hyderabad gives importance to reading books in the library and otherwise too. The teachers work hard to ensure children read even though the display screens are more attractive.
This article puts an emphasis on the advantages of book reading for children. We also explain the long-term impact of digital reading on children. Parents can strike a balance between the two to help the kids to choose wisely.
“Children’s reading comprehension is better with reading a book rather than from a digital screen.”
This quote should ideally sum up the answer but a detailed explanation will make more sense. In a study conducted in the UK by two professors it was clear that children who read books can retain information as compared to a digital screen. They found that reading from a digital screen is ‘processing shallow information’, and not immersive or empathetic.
The advantages of book reading for children include several details from this study. It includes:
- Regular reading boosts the intelligence in young minds. As the brain power increases, knowledge sharing and absorption are rapid. If parents want their children to score high, reading is a good option. A daily habit of reading a passage or any storybook is recommended.
- Reading from a book improves the level of concentration. Kids are prone to getting distracted easily. Reading keeps them busy and they do not get side-tracked.
- Physical books can be ‘touched’ and provide an experience. Kids read slowly and absorb the information. Books for e-readers are designed to browse rapidly and move on.
- A book is a healthier version without the noise of a ping, notification, moving a page or diversion that takes away attention.
- This is also a good way to build vocabulary skills early in life. As students learn to read and write when young they can fill forms and take up opportunities for job applications.
- Students become better communicators as they have exposure to physical reality rather than being encased in the digital world.
- It is easy to establish connections with friends and on a social level when reading together. Book discussions are common platforms where children can come closer to reality.

The impact of digital reading on children does not provide the above advantages and is quite limited. Therefore, our teachers lead by example by reading aloud in the classrooms.
As one of the best Schools in Boduppal Hyderabad, Siddhartha Public School endorses kids joining book clubs. Turning off screen time at regular intervals reduces eye fatigue and strain on the brain for the kids. We do hope parents agree to our PoV and encourage kids to read at home all kinds of books.