Effective time management tips for students to excel in exams
Preparing for exams is tough but an important exercise for every student. A systematic study schedule planning removes the jitters and fear of going blank in front of the question paper. Exams are not fun but the best way to know what you have learned in school all these years. As the exam season comes upon us once again, let’s work with some tips and ensure that silly mistakes do not take away the peace of mind.

Being one of the best school for CBSE in Boduppal, we provideefficient study techniques for students. Understanding exam preparation, time management, and seriousness are the main keys to keeping stress out.
This post from Siddhartha Public School is the best way for time management for students who are due to appear for their CBSE exams soon.
Why is time management essential?
While keeping tabs on time management works for everything, it is most crucial for preparing for exams. It maximises efforts of revision and reduces fear & stress. It is the perfect way to improve overall performance rather than mugging at the last minute. A well-structured timetable should be implemented, keeping in mind that all subjects need to be covered systematically.
Focus on important topics.
All subjects are not equal. Some require more focus for students who are weak in it. Giving more time to understand or getting the teacher’s attention encourages you to attempt the exam with the least pressure. Difficulty levels could be challenging for Maths, Science, or some other subjects. Take up the challenge and spend more time practising the potential answers.
Save time, and avoid multitasking in other areas.
Often, two subjects are scheduled for exams on a single day. It is difficult to study both subjects together. Instead, prepare for the easy one first and then concentrate on the difficult one later. To excel, it is important not to multitask with both subjects together. This method improves the outcome of both subjects.

Enjoy learning preferences and tools effectively.
Efficient study techniques for students also include effective learning tools and apps. To eliminate distractions, you may wish to study on your own rather than with a friend. Use practice papers and previous years’ questions to attempt the answers. It will familiarise you with the question paper that may come in the exam. Speed up the learning process with a comfortable learning style. Take a break, walk in the garden, and enjoy. Refreshing the mind always helps in retaining everything learned.
Seek assistance when required.
While preparing for exams, asking for guidance at the right time matters, not just a few days before the exam. Ask teachers for clarification or explanations in advance. It will make a difference to you on the day of the exam. Reach out to elders so that your performance is not affected. Review and revise all before the day of the exam.
Siddhartha Public School urges students to inculcate study habits months before the exams. As part of ideal time management, take care of your physical and mental health. While all academic goals are crucial, your asset to success lies more in your attitude towards the E-day.