According to the National Education Policy
The National Education Policy is setting out its new guidelines. All schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education will follow it from the academic year 2021. The idea is to apply ‘minimum government’ and ‘maximum governance.” Schooling processes in India affiliated with CBSE education are completely digital.
In compliance, the Siddhartha Public School adheres to all rules set by the National Education Policy. The school board has revised timelines for the application process as per the restructured system.
With the revised timeline, every year the application window for fresh affiliation and upgrades of affiliation will open three times -March 1 to 31, June 1 to 30 and September 1 to 30.
With dynamic and well-qualified teaching professionals we have succeeded in preparing several students for higher studies in Indian and international colleges.
Siddhartha Public School student identity
All students passing out from our academic portal are well-groomed to be global citizens. They are taught to uphold ethics, self-discipline and integrity: a rich legacy that the school management shares.
The children remain focused on the vision and mission the school represents even when they move on to higher education.
Students have to maintain a code of conduct:
Behavioural Management Strategies & School Policies
Note: The serial order specifies the successive steps to be taken by the school in regard to areas of concern. | |
Tardiness | 1. Verbal Warning &
Repeatedly apologising that it won’t be repeated. |
2. Parents to be informed through the almanac note. | |
3. Parents to be called and the student to be sent home if the child continues to come late on all days. | |
Bunking Classes & unnecessary
Movement in the Corridors , Bringing Gadgets to school,
1. Warning and extra assignments in the respective subjects |
2. Parents to be informed and extra assignments to be given | |
3. Memo in the form issuing card | |
4. Suspension | |
Bullying, being Aggressive &
Abusive Language |
1. Written apology to go into the student’s record. One copy of the same to be retained by the class teacher |
2. Parents to be informed | |
3. Suspension ( If he/she is not ready to correct the same) | |
School Uniform | If any student’s uniform is not as per the standards and requirements of school (as mentioned in the school almanac) |
1. Verbal warning | |
2. Parents to be informed | |
3. Student to be sent home with the parents | |
Hair Cut | 1. Verbal warning |
2. To be sent home | |
Defaulter at work | 1. Verbal warning |
2.Withdrawal of hobby periods | |
3. Stay back after school until the work is completed. | |
4. Parents to be informed | |
5. Community service to be decided by school | |
6. Memo | |
Breakage of School Property | Fine as per the cost of the damage |
Unnecessary Noise in the class/ Untidy Classrooms | 1. Students clean the class room in turns. |
A positive school environment does not simply happen: teachers, parents and students need to work hard together to develop it. Therefore certain rules are necessary to make this possible.
Be regular and punctual to school every day | Use indecent/ abusive language |
Report to school in proper school uniform with well-polished shoes | Bully others |
Carry notebooks and assignments as per the time table | Damage school property |
Help others | Play or run in the class unnecessarily |
Respect teachers through courteous language and conduct | Run in the corridors by pushing others |
Use decent language | Be late in reporting to class |
Communicate in English with their teachers and peers | Be late in submission of work |
Fall in line when moving out of class | Bunk classes |
Switch off the lights and fans when not in use | Bring gadgets, valuables things and cash to school |
Maintain school’s property | Litter class or school |
Complete the school work and assignments on time | Eat or drink something while the class is going on. |
Carry Almanac (school diary) and wear ID card daily | Carry or wear accessories to school (coloured mufflers, warmers, goggles, cards etc.) |
Keep class and school premises clean | Get involved in arguments and fights (verbal or physical) |
Keep pace with fellow friends/teachers in doing class work | Use unfair during examinations |
Be responsible for any work missed in class due to absence | |
Return to class from PE/Library/Labs and other outdoor periods on time | |
Turn off taps immediately after use & when not using them. | |
We expect our students to take pride in their work, their appearance and what they have accomplished. They must develop self-discipline and show courtesy towards all people in the school and community. Our constant endeavour is to realise this dream. |